Customizing Homepage Tiles

Users can customize the tiles displayed on the homepage. This feature is available for both the classic dashboard and enhanced dashboard. The user permission, StayCustomizeHomeTiles, is required to access this feature/capability.

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On clicking the settings icon, the Tile Customization page is displayed. Users can select all or any of the following tiles to be displayed from the Tiles drop-down:

  • Remaining Arrivals

  • Remaining Departures

  • VIPS

  • Total Guests

  • Room Conditions

  • Room Status

  • Stay Overs

  • Face ID

The selected tiles are displayed in the dashboard in a carousel. The carousel allows users to scroll through the dashboard horizontally to view the tiles.

If the Room Condition and Room Status tiles are selected to be displayed, two new drop-down lists, Room Condition and Room Status are displayed on the Tile Customization page. Users can select the values to be displayed for the room condition and the room status from their respective drop-down lists. A maximum of six conditions can be selected to be displayed for room condition tile.